skating classes in velachery

 skating classes in velachery

skating classes in velachery

For most skating a high boot is used, which provides more ankle support and is easier to skate in, particularly for beginners. Speed skaters often use a carbon fiber boot which provides greater support with a lower cut allowing more ankle flexion. For recreational skating a soft boot is used for greater comfort, but many other disciplines prefer a harder boot, either to protect the foot against impact or for better control of the skate. The boot may also contain shock absorbent padding for comfort. Downhill skaters often use boots that are heat-molded to the shape of the foot, with a foam liner

contact – Futurechampz sports and skating Coaching Academy
FutureChampz programs

Skating Academy – SDAT Stadium-Nungambakkam,
Skating Academy – Haddows Road Park-Thousand Lights ,
Athletics Classes – SDAT Stadium,
swimming coaching- Anna Nagar,
BasketBall coaching- Nungambakkam,

Venkatesan K [ Head Coach – Operations ]

9884876151 or 7200041230

Office Landline : 044 43564820

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