skating classes in velachery

 skating classes in velachery

skating classes in velachery

Generally, there are three different types of modern frames: Flat, Anti-Rocker, and Freestyle. Flat, as described above, means you have four wheels per skate. There is another variation of this called the Hi-Lo setup. This means it has large outer wheels, but small inner wheels to make grinding easy. The inner wheels’ axles are closer to the ground so that all the wheels touch the ground.

Anti-Rocker, as also described above, is the most popular setup. Freestyle frames have no inner wheels, giving the user a large amount of space in the middle for grinding. Another setup that’s gaining popularity, called tri-rocker, means that there are three wheels per skate. The remaining axle hole is left empty or replaced with an anti-rocker wheel. This combines the benefits of a flat setup (going fast and turning easily) with the benefits of an anti-rocker/freestyle setup (grinding easily). The frame company Create Originals makes frames that are meant for tri rocker to be a possibility.

contact – Futurechampz sports and skating Coaching Academy
FutureChampz programs

Skating Academy – SDAT Stadium-Nungambakkam,
Skating Academy – Haddows Road Park-Thousand Lights ,
Athletics Classes – SDAT Stadium,
swimming coaching- Anna Nagar,
BasketBall coaching- Nungambakkam,

Venkatesan K [ Head Coach – Operations ]

9884876151 or 7200041230

Office Landline : 044 43564820

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