Roller derby is played by two teams of up to fourteen players, who both field up to five members for each two-minute jam, simultaneously skating counterclockwise on a circuit track. Each team designates a scoring player (the “jammer”); the other four members are “blockers.” One blocker can be designated as a “pivot”—a special blocker who is allowed to become a jammer in the course of play.[12]:7 The jammer wears a helmet cover bearing two stars; the pivot wears a striped cover; the remaining members’ helmets are uncovered.[12]:7
contact – Futurechampz sports and skating Coaching Academy
FutureChampz programs
Skating Academy – SDAT Stadium-Nungambakkam,
Skating Academy – Haddows Road Park-Thousand Lights ,
Athletics Classes – SDAT Stadium,
swimming coaching- Anna Nagar,
BasketBall coaching- Nungambakkam,
Venkatesan K [ Head Coach – Operations ]
9884876151 or 7200041230
Office Landline : 044 43564820
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