skating classes in chennai porur

skating classes in chennai porur
skating classes in chennai porur

Freeline skates, a class of unattached skates that wearers place under their normal street or skate shoes. They typically have 2 closely set inline wheels set with a short base under a small squarish plate (usually surfaced with grip tape about the same width as the rider’s shoe). This arrangement allows for a range of motion similar to single-wheeled skates like Heelys. Due to the lack of straps on the contact plate, freeline skates require constant motion to stay on, and are a particular challenge for novices.

contact – Futurechampz sports and skating Coaching Academy
FutureChampz programs

Skating Academy – SDAT Stadium-Nungambakkam,
Skating Academy – Haddows Road Park-Thousand Lights ,
Athletics Classes – SDAT Stadium,
swimming coaching- Anna Nagar,
BasketBall coaching- Nungambakkam,

Venkatesan K [ Head Coach – Operations ]

9884876151 or 7200041230

Office Landline : 044 43564820

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