skating classes in besant nagar

skating classes in besant nagar
skating classes in besant nagar

The success of braking depends on the skater’s ability to put full pressure on the right heel brake. Just as in an automobile the brake pedal does not stop the car unless the driver PUSHES on it, so the skate brake won’t stop the skate unless the skater puts full pressure on that heel. To practice braking, the skater should be gliding, shoulders slightly forward and knees bent. Glide with both skates parallel and close together as possible. Roll the right skate forward but not in front of, the left skate so the right heel brake is a little ahead of the left skate’s toe wheel. Quickly lift the front wheels of the right skate and push downward on the heel brake – HARD. The more pressure applied to the brake, the quicker the stop. The beginner skater can use both hands to push down on the right knee to increase pressure on the right heel brake.

contact – Futurechampz sports and skating Coaching Academy
FutureChampz programs

Skating Academy – SDAT Stadium-Nungambakkam,
Skating Academy – Haddows Road Park-Thousand Lights ,
Athletics Classes – SDAT Stadium,
swimming coaching- Anna Nagar,
BasketBall coaching- Nungambakkam,

Venkatesan K [ Head Coach – Operations ]

9884876151 or 7200041230

Office Landline : 044 43564820

Please address all communications to


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