10 Top Essential Mental Skills To Succeed In Sports

Playing sports means that you have to face daily challenges and physical training almost every day. Most kids play sports at school, so they don’t have to practice every day, but if you want to become a professional athlete and your parents are already investing their money for this purpose, you can’t avoid to spend many more hours to practice and train your skills.

Think Successfully And You Are Half Way There!

However, it’s a matter of fact that not all young athletes can become the next golden stars of sports. There’s always something coming in between which might bring young athletes to give up. Anyway, regardless of yoru specific level, you don’t have to be an Olympic champion to be successful: you can start today to change your attitude and mental view and become successful even as a young athlete.

What makes you become a successful athlete? That’s the point, indeed. You are successful when you set a realistic goal and you can achieve it. Or you are successful when you swing for the fences, no matter if you win or lose, because you are a winner either ways.

Mental Skills That Will Take You To The Next Level

It doesn’t rely on convincing oneself about being strong and unbeatable – it’s more a matter of changing your idea about success and sports. There are certain mental skills that will help you change your point of view and become a more motivated and self-confident athlete.

  1. Attitude
    This is everything in life. Successfull athletes know that positive attitude is a choice and that playing sports is nothing but a unique opportunity to test themselves and learn from both winnings and losses.
  2. Excellence is not perfection
    This one should become your golden rule. You have to put effort in becoming excellent, not perfect. Excellence is realistic, perfection isn’t.
  3. Life balance
    It’s true that many young athletes spend most of their days practicing and training. If you want to achieve better results, you should first find a balance between your life and sport practicing. So, take your time to rest and sleep enough before a competition.
  4. Experience
    Consider that each single competition is an opportunity for you to learn and make experience, even though you can’t win a reward. Your main force is your persistance and determination to overcome difficulties.
  5. Goal setting
    Certain coaches sound too exigent when setting goals for their young pupils. A realistic success relies on realistic goals. You know, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so accept the idea that you need to take your time before to reach certain goals. In the meanwhile, set smaller goals that are within your reach.
  6. Personal training
    Nobody is the same as other people. So, your coach should know that you need specific personal training in order to develop the physical skills that you need to improve. Each athlete is always different as to physical skills and mental attitude, even if they are the same age or they walk the same path.
  7. Self-talk
    Have you ever seen athletes who talk to themselves in a mirror just a few minutes before a competition? Well, that’s a very good thing that we suggest you to do! It’s essential to all athletes to maintain self-confidence and keep calm, so talk to yourself as often as you need someone caring telling you encouraging tips!
  8. Get mentally ready
    One thing is to train with your coach in your place and the other thing is to show up on the competition field where fear, emotion, nerves and more might decide on the result of your performance. So, use your imagery to virtually see yourself in the competition environment. Manage your emotions and get ready to recover from mistakes.
  9. Manage your anxiety
    If you feel a little anxious before a competition, it’s normal. Accept this as part of your life as an athlete, but learn how to release the tension when it gets on too high levels. Some degree of anxiety is even good for your performance.
  10. Keep concentration
    Imagine that you are at your place in front of hundreds fans, there are voices, noise, music all around you. But you have to stay concentrated, so know what you have to focus on during the performance and make an effort to ignore all the rest as it will distract you from your performance.

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